Victory! Measure W Passes in San Mateo County Bringing More $ to Bikes + Transit

After over three weeks of counting votes and a day to day rollercoaster we can finally declare victory for Measure W, the transportation ballot measure in San Mateo County that will bring $80 million/year to improve public transit, create safer bike and pedestrian routes, reduce traffic, repair roads, and address other urgent community needs. We won!

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Your Voices Heard, Caltrans and County Settle Dispute to Build Page Mill/280

Over the summer, we updated you that the Page Mill/280 striping project that was designed and funded in 2016 after the tragic death of Jeff Donnelly in 2015 had still not been completed. We are happy to now report that Caltrans and the County have resolved the issues that were preventing the project from moving forward. 

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2018 Silicon Valley Bike Summit recap

Thank you to all who participated in the 8th Annual Silicon Valley Bike Summit! This year was our biggest year yet! A huge thanks to Mineta Transportation Institute for hosting and to all our Signature and Supporting Sponsors! Did you miss one of the breakout sessions or just want to check out the slides from a favorite speaker? Check them all out on our blog recap.

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San Mateo County Approves Transportation Ballot Measure Plan

Over the last year, Transportation Equity Allied Movement Coalition (TEAMC) along with local partners (YOU) have been fighting for more transportation funding for bike lanes, sidewalks, more frequent buses, and more. We’ve achieved that goal: last week SamTrans Board approved an expenditure plan that drew heavily on community input, an investment plan that will guide how $80 million in tax revenues are spent annually, shaping the future of transportation on the Peninsula for years to come. Read on for the details and next steps.

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