Your Voices Heard, Caltrans and County Settle Dispute to Build Page Mill/280

Over the summer, we updated you that the Page Mill/280 striping project that was designed and funded in 2016 after the tragic death of Jeff Donnelly in 2015 had still not been completed. We are happy to now report that Caltrans and the County have resolved the issues that were preventing the project from moving forward. Since summer, SVBC has been pushing on various levers, including talking to Santa Clara County, Caltrans, elected officials, and anyone who can help unstick this project. We also set up a petition that now has over 1,500 signatures (thanks to all of you)! Meanwhile, Supervisor Joe Simitian and Senator Jerry Hill and their teams as well as Caltrans and County staff have also been working diligently to see this project completed. The County Roads and Airport department reported at last week's VTA Bike and Pedestrian Advisory Committee meeting that the department had reached an agreement with Caltrans to move ahead. There are some final touches that need to be worked through, then the design will be heading for approval at the County Board of Supervisors in the next few months. Thank you to Caltrans, Santa Clara County, Supervisor Joe Simitian, and Senator Jerry Hill, for working out these issues. We also want to thank all of you for continuing to keep this in the public eye and encourage the project to move forward. Stay tuned for the date of an upcoming Board of Supervisors meeting at which they’ll approve the project so it can go to construction.


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