El Camino Real For All
Save the date and sign up to ride or volunteer! On Saturday, May 17th, SVBC hosts its 5th annual ride to advocate for a safer and more vibrant El Camino Real. This year, we celebrate progress made with the addition of Class IV Bikeways in Palo Alto, Mountain View, and Los Altos.
This event highlights local destinations and businesses along El Camino, and is your chance to experience the feeling of comfortably and safely riding along this direct and convenient route.
Join us at the Santa Clara Transit Center at 9:00 AM, or join along the way at our rest stops in Sunnyvale, Mountain View, Palo Alto, and Menlo Park. Family-friendly, tons of ride support, absolutely nobody left behind. See you there!
The El Camino Real 2030 Campaign is driven by Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition’s mission to foster healthier and more equitable communities by advocating for safety and accessibility for all. Our goal by 2030 is to establish El Camino Real as a consistent green, “complete-streets” passage from the San Francisco border to San Jose, prioritizing safety and inclusivity for everyone. Guided by principles like Vision Zero and Transportation Equity, we're aiming at creating a well-connected, inviting corridor with human-first design that includes bike infrastructure and public seating.
See below to learn more about this campaign and how you can get involved!
Why El Camino? Why Now?
Only continuous north-south route for people using transit, walking and biking running throughout Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties
Existing destination of shops, services, jobs, schools and residences
High collision corridor where hundreds of bicyclists and pedestrians have been injured and killed
Change is coming along its length — but with little overall planning and coordination, and lacking overall consideration of ALL users
El Camino Real is owned by the California Department of Transportation and is currently repaving ECR for the first time in a decade. We’re using this once-in-a-decade opportunity to ask the California Department of Transportation to install protected bike lanes while repaving.
San Mateo County
Santa Clara County
These heat maps visualize the density of bicyclist/pedestrian crashes on El Camino Real from 2012 - 2022. Explore more about this data using the Transportation Injury Mapping System hosted by UC Berkeley.
What’s Happening in Your City?
See the breakdown of El Camino Real updates by location below.
Caltrans – Tentative construction timeline:
Caltrans SHOPP - 2026 construction (# 0Q140)
Caltrans – Tentative construction timeline:
Caltrans SHOPP - 2026 construction (# 0Q140)
Non-Caltrans Projects:
Caltrans – Tentative construction timeline:
Caltrans SHOPP - 2026 construction (#0AA32, #0Q140)
Non-Caltrans Projects:
Pop-up bike lane for 0.5 mile corridor in Summer 2023 as a part of Complete Streets Academy
Caltrans – Tentative construction timeline:
Caltrans Bike Superhighway study 2022
Non-Caltrans Projects:
Received funding from Assembly member for planning and implementation
Caltrans – Tentative construction timeline:
Caltrans SHOPP - 2028 construction. (# 0AA32)
Non-Caltrans Projects:
Received funding from Assembly member for planning and implementation
Caltrans – Tentative construction timeline:
Caltrans published an ECR Roadway Renewal Project in 2022 discussing how to make infrastructure improvements around prominent historic Eucalyptus trees in this section. Bike lanes were not incorporated in the final report
Caltrans – Tentative construction timeline:
Caltrans can put in bike lanes as a part of 2022 SHOPP if the city passes a resolution to remove parking. (# 4W730)
Non-Caltrans Projects:
Samtrans planning to work on an ECR corridor Plan from San Mateo to San Carlos
Samtrans planning to work on an ECR corridor Plan from San Mateo to San Carlos
Samtrans planning to work on an ECR corridor Plan from San Mateo to San Carlos
Caltrans – Tentative construction timeline:
Caltrans SHOPP - 2026 construction (# 0Q140)
Non-Caltrans Projects:
SMCTA funded the El Camino Real Corridor Safety Project in 21-22 cycle.
City set-aside a budget of $460k through participatory budget cycle for implementing bike lanes on 3-blocks in 2023-23
Sep’23 - City working with council to figure out next steps for this corridor
Caltrans – Tentative construction timeline:
Caltrans SHOPP - 2026 construction (# 1W130)
Caltrans – Tentative construction timeline:
Caltrans SHOPP - 2026 construction (# 1W130)
Non-Caltrans projects:
MCTA funded El Camino Real Complete Streets Gap Closure application in 2023-24 cycle
More information here. -
Caltrans – Tentative construction timeline:
City of Menlo Park is red curbing ECR to remove parking and make space for bike lanes (May 2023)
Read Our Blog Post For A Current Update
Caltrans – Tentative construction timeline:Caltrans Repavement Project 2023-24 might include Class IV bike lanes (# 4J89U)
Caltrans – Tentative construction timeline:
Caltrans Repavement Project 2023-24 to include separated bike lanes (# 4J89U)
See the city’s ECR Streetscape Plan
Caltrans – Tentative construction timeline:
Caltrans Repavement Project 2023-24 to include buffered bike lanes (# 4J89U)
Non-Caltrans projects:
El Camino Real Pavement Rehabilitation and ADA improvements project
See the city’s ECR Specific Plan
Caltrans – Tentative construction timeline:
Caltrans SHOPP – 2026 construction (# 1W200)
Non-Caltrans projects:
VTA’s Central Bikeway Study proposes separated bike lanes
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Values and Guiding Principles
We Can Do This!
Join the movement for a healthier, more connected future! This campaign is our chance to transform communities and make biking safer for all. Together, we can turn plans into action. Subscribe for updates, get alerts on key milestones, join a local team to amplify your impact, and sign the petition to prioritize safe biking infrastructure. Let's pedal towards a better tomorrow! We believe in the power of community - together, we can make it happen!