SVBC Supports Affordable Housing

Housing and transportation are linked together and we can't solve one with the other. This is why SVBC is collaborating with established organizations that are working hard on solutions and has endorsed a housing-related ballot measure and another local housing policy.

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Advocacy, Bikes + Transit, Caltrain, Featured Shiloh Ballard Advocacy, Bikes + Transit, Caltrain, Featured Shiloh Ballard

Final Bike Car Design Chosen for Caltrain Electrification

On June 6, the Caltrain Board unanimously approved the staff recommendation for two bike cars with seven seats and 36 bike spaces per bike car, which was in opposition of SVBC's position. There was however energy among Board and staff toward better on-board security and building out bike parking and corridor-wide bike share before electrification in 2022.

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