What is an SVBC Local Team?
A local team is a group of biketivists who bike in a particular city or region and meet regularly to discuss relevant issues such as new bicycle/pedestrian infrastructure and city/regional policies and plans. Local teams organize events and social rides to grow the movement. As a local team member, you have true impact when you show your local government officials that you care, and that there are people who want safe and comfortable bicycle infrastructure and friendly policies. And by providing local knowledge, teams help SVBC staff make educated policies and positions that have community support.
Come join us to meet your cycling neighbors and get involved in local bike advocacy in your community. Your community needs you!
Read the Local Team Toolkit — an enormously valuable resource for our biketivists!
Getting-started notes:
Local Team meetings many local teams host their regular meetings monthly on the third Wednesday from 6pm to 7pm.
Find info about biking in your city or contact info for your city’s Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee.
Meet our Local Advocacy Partners:
Learn More About Our El Camino Real 2030 Campaign
The El Camino Real team is leading the charge in the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition's campaign to secure bike lanes on El Camino Real by 2030. With a mission to foster healthier and more equitable communities, the team advocates for safety and accessibility for all. Collaborating with state, county, and city stakeholders, along with grassroots partners, the ECR team is working tirelessly to make El Camino Real safer for cyclists and pedestrians. Join us in shaping the future of transportation in Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties.
Organized strong community feedback supporting Bike Lanes on El Camino Real in Palo Alto.
Team Leads: Darryl Yip and Carlos Moreno
The North San Mateo County local team is advocating for more funding to complete the priority projects outlined in the South San Francisco Active Transportation plan. While also pushing North County leaders and officials to oppose large-scale, costly vehicle-centric planning projects, such as highway widening and vehicle overpasses. They are growing local team activity in Daly City and are beginning to build relationships with officials. As well as, advocating for improved trail connections to connect communities in North County with a specific emphasis on the Colma Creek, Centennial, and Bay Trails.
Wins!Pushed city to implement its El Camino Real Corridor Study and pilot separated bike lanes on a stretch of El Camino Real. As well as growing Stop101 Widening Campaign coalition and received nearly 500 petition signatures.
Team Lead: Max Mautner
The City of San Mateo local team is working on recruiting more members and having the City Council adopt a Vision Zero Policy policy and fund it (adoption has now been complete!). As well as getting at least 1 quick-build project in each district and establish a no-right turn on red installed in the Downtown Business District.
Establishing a 15 mph speed limit around schools! As well as, funding a Safe Routes to School coordinator
Team Leads: Giuliano Carlini, Arley Lewis, & Sonia Elkes
The San Carlos-Belmont team is actively recruiting volunteer members and expanding community engagement. By highlighting the impact of volunteers in promoting sustainable transportation and road safety, they aim to attract individuals passionate about making a positive difference in their neighborhoods.
Wins!The team hosts Tour of the Family - Bike Fair for the San Carlos Week of the Family each year and does valet bike parking at Hometown Days festival and Art & Wine Fair.
Team Leads: Julie Walling, Taylor Pope, Karvin Dassanayake
The Redwood City team is focused on boosting community engagement and sustainable transportation advocacy. Their main objectives include doubling their email team to 200 members with 15 active participants, organizing quarterly meetings and group rides, inviting a council member to join a ride, and increasing bike parking at local events. These efforts highlight their dedication to fostering a more connected and bike-friendly community.
Wins!Bike parking established at Pub in the Park series. As well as a successful campaign to prioritize bike lanes on Woodside Road.
SVBC is working with Live in Peace in East Palo Alto to develop a base of advocates and create an SVBC local team. As the team gets started, we are asking residents and visitors of East Palo Alto to take our needs assessment survey. The survey will help us identify the areas of interest and future campaigns for the local team.
Team Leads: Frank Viggiano, Eric Nordman
The Palo Alto local team is monitoring the Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Plan (BPTP) process and advocating on setting wise priorities of the project - as historically there are lots of projects in the BPTP, but only a few get funded. As well as supporting the Bike Palo Alto event and following the El Camino Real paving project with special emphasis on crossing details. Monitoring the council rail committee and advocate for good bike infrastructure and help council move towards a decision, and monitoring the Safe Systems for All (SS4A) staff project
Wins!Organized strong community feedback supporting Bike Lanes on El Camino Real in Palo Alto.
Team Leads: Bruce England, April Webster
The Mountain View-Los Altos team is actively engaging with city officials and committees like the B/PAC and the Council Transportation Committee. This includes providing input on city projects, primarily the Active Transportation Plan (ATP). The Mountain View-Los Altos team is also organizing community bike rides, outreach events, and campaigns, including Bike Month, and Bike to Wherever Day.
Increased membership and responses to California Street Pilot Program survey issued by the City of Mountain View. Members also signed up for upcoming Equitable VMT Mitigation Program Community Workshop. The team participated in organizing and running the 2024 El Camino Real (ECR) Ride, helped organize efforts for 2024 Bike to Wherever Day. The team completed a community bike ride between Mountain View and the Bike Exchange in Palo Alto. (but not yet completed) The team also advocated and presentedmaterials for improvements on Dana Street between Calderon and Moorpark. -
Team Leads: Lisa Jicha, Tim Oey, Nick Brosnahan
The Sunnyvale team is advocating for the complete streets redesign of Tasman as well as El Camino Real through Sunnyvale. The Sunnyvale team runs monthly bicycle repair workshops at the Sunnyvale Library, bimonthly tube fixing parties at Sports Basement, periodic tabling at various locations, and many easy and fun community rides like the annual Crow Ride and annual Holiday Lights Ride. It also organizes infrastructure rides and helps with rides like the annual El Camino Ride. Periodically we get together for after work social gatherings on Murphy Street.
Sunnyvale is hiring its first ever Active Transportation Planner dedicated to bicyclist and pedestrian safety and infrastructure. Homestead Road is now slated to convert its part time bike lanes to full time bike lanes. Stevens Creek Trail will connect to Fremont Ave. A study session is underway to make Hollenbeck safer for bicyclists. The Caltrain grade separation planned for Sunnyvale Ave will be for bicyclists and pedestrians only. The Caltrain grade separation planned at Mary will make it much safer for bicyclists and pedestrians as well. -
Team Leads: Gabby Landaveri, Gavin Achtemeier, Betsy Megas
The Santa Clara team is deeply invested in cultivating meaningful connections with city staff and stakeholders. By actively participating in city council meetings, advisory committees, and community forums, the team aims to contribute constructively to local initiatives and policies. A key focus of their efforts is the recruitment and mobilization of volunteers who are eager to contribute their time and skills to various projects and programs. Join today! Through targeted outreach and engagement activities, help us empower Santa Clara residents to play an active role in shaping the future of their community.
Planning and expanding it’s popular and highly attended El Camino Real ride to extend from Santa Clara-Sunnyvale-Mountain View and now on to Palo Alto to highlight the inconsistencies within the infrastructure and need for a uniform and safe approach.
The San Jose team is dedicated to enhancing cycling infrastructure and safety in the city, advocating for comprehensive bike plans, prioritizing cyclist safety, and supporting the Vision Zero Action Plan. They work on securing funding for bike lane cleanliness, prioritize relationships with officials, plan bike rides with council members, and aim to expand their team. Their efforts aim to promote cycling as a safe, accessible, and sustainable transportation option in San Jose.
Exploring possible new leadership and reexamining the team's goals and meaningful ways to achieve them. The team has identified passionate team members to propel the team’s goals and campaigns