Join your Local Team for a bike ride!
SVBC Local Teams are planning fun, social bike rides this month and want you to join! Check out the list below and RSVP to join your closest bike ride. We can’t wait to see you!

Saturday, July 17 - Ride with the San Carlos TeamJoin the San Carlos team at 5 pm in front of the San Carlos Youth Center in Burton Park. All ages and riding levels welcome. The ride will go down to Redwood City and end at Cyclismo Cafe. RSVP by text: 415-806-4632 or by clicking here.

Saturday, July 24 - Join the San Jose Team starting at Diridon StationSan Jose Local Team will be starting its ride from Diridon Station at 10:30 am. They will do about 6-7 miles (slow pace, no rider left behind) to view some murals then ending on 1st Street downtown for lunch/ice cream/drinks! RSVP here.

Sunday, July 25 - Bike Sunnyvale bike rideJoin SVBC's Bike Sunnyvale Team for a friendly, light paced bike ride exploring 7.5 miles of trail and bike lanes in Sunnyvale. Meet at Seven Seas Park at 10 am. RSVP here.

Sunday, July 25 - Redwood City Team meet-upOn July 25th at 10 am the team is planning an in-person coffee gathering at Cyclismo Cafe. This will be an informal social gathering to get to know each other and attract new folks to the group. All are welcome!

Saturday, July 31 Sunnyvale/Santa Clara El Camino Ride
You are invited to the El Camino Bike Ride in Santa Clara and Sunnyvale. This ride is designed to be a social ride, but please remember there will be motor traffic on the street. The ride is about 6 miles long and expected to take roughly an hour. If you're an avid cyclist, you are aware that El Camino is not the most bike-friendly location but we are trying to change that! Both Sunnvyale and Santa Clara have plans for protected bike lanes along El Camino Real. RSVP here.

Saturday, August 7 Palo Alto Local Team Ride
Join the Palo Alto Local Team on a fun bike ride though some of Palo Alto's existing and planned bicycling improvements (for example Ross Rd, Charleston/Arastradero, Park Blvd., and more). The ride will start at Ramos Park at the E. Meadow Dr. entrance and end somewhere for lunch or a beverage together on California Ave.