Your Voices Heard, Caltrans and County Settle Dispute to Build Page Mill/280
Over the summer, we updated you that the Page Mill/280 striping project that was designed and funded in 2016 after the tragic death of Jeff Donnelly in 2015 had still not been completed. We are happy to now report that Caltrans and the County have resolved the issues that were preventing the project from moving forward.
Represent SVBC on Regional Bike Advisory Committees
There are vacancies on the bicycle advisory committees for Caltrain, BART, and Caltrans District 4. We rely on members like you to provide on the ground knowledge and ensure that voice is represented at a broader, regional scale. If you’d like to represent SVBC and your community on one of these committees, read on for more information.
Update: Redwood City El Camino Real Plan
On June 7, Redwood City held another Citizens Advisory Group (CAG) meeting on the El Camino Real Corridor Plan with a presentation from consultants. The CAG, staff, and consultants are coalescing around many of the final ideas for the plan, which includes protected bikeways on El Camino. The inclusion of protected bikeways in the final plan has been bolstered by the survey, community outreach, and the traffic analysis.
Highway 35 Bicycle Access Online Survey Now Open
Caltrans District 4 has released an online survey regarding bicycle access on the Highway 35 at Highway 1 following SVBC's meeting with Caltrans staff last week and a now rescinded decision to prohibit bicyclists from this roadway segment.
Update: Highway 35 at Highway 1
Two weeks ago we shared with you the news that Caltrans was temporarily holding a decision to prohibit bicyclists from Highway 35 at Highway 1 in Daly City, due to feedback from all of you. Caltrans is now committed to a process to that will include ample opportunities for you to share ideas about how to improve the area both in the short and long-term.
Page Mill/280 Interim Improvement Process
In the six weeks since cyclist Jeff Donnelly was fatally struck by a vehicle on Page Mill Road near Highway 280, staffers at all the involved agencies have been working to improve, fund, and construct an interim design solution that will boost safety in the short term. SVBC has proposed a forum intended to gather public input and come to consensus on a design. The County Roads and Airports Department would prefer to first meet with technical staff from Palo Alto, Los Altos Hills, Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) and Caltrans, then bring a more fleshed-out design to local cyclists for input. In any case, finding the money necessary for detailed design and construction is first on the to-do list.
Update on Page Mill/280
As many of you know, last week a bicyclist was killed on Page Mill Road near the interchange with Highway 280. This was especially tragic given that SVBC has been working with the various stakeholders (Caltrans, County of Santa Clara, City of Palo Alto, and Town of Los Altos Hills) over several years to make this interchange safer.In 2014, our Roadway Safety Solutions Team visited the site with engineers and staff from the respective jurisdictions to analyze the site and offer solutions. As Colin mentioned in our previous blog post, there is currently a phased plan on the table. The first stage or “interim” plan requires approval by Caltrans and includes more visible delineation and green paint, similar to nearby Alpine Road at Highway 280. We are currently in conversation with Caltrans and the County of Santa Clara to figure out where the funding for this plan comes from and how to move it forward as quickly as possible.