Congrats SVBC Programs Team – more LCI Certification
We are proud to announce that two of our Programs staff members, Mui Sam Le and Kate Plant, successfully completed their League Cycling Instructor Certification (LCI) through a collaboration between VTA and League of American Bicyclists.Over the weekend, LCI candidates gathered to undertake this intense course. If you haven’t yet had the experience this training involves passing the Smart Cycling course (including the written and on-bike exams), next take the three-day LCI Seminar which involves in-class/outdoor training with some bicycling, lots of indoor presentations, hazard avoidance drills and on-the-road group riding preparation. It was a challenging and satisfying experience, and our LCI instructors were a fantastic crowd!What does all this mean to the community and organizations in Silicon Valley? Our SVBC Programs team is now looking forward to the opportunity to create a variety of commute workshops, strengthen our Safe Routes To School program, and implement a few other relevant training courses for the community.This initiative was paid for through VTA’s 1996 Measure B remaining funds, with hopes for more training opportunities for the community of Silicon Valley through VTA to come.
On a side note, our SVBC Programs Team is looking for an enthusiastic intern to assist with multiple programs in and around Silicon Valley. If you or a friend are interested in this volunteer position, please contact Kate Plant: look forward to presenting our newly upgraded & brand new courses to you in the near future.