Ride to Explore the Coyote Creek South with Coyote Creek Watershed Days - Sponsored by Valley Water
15 bicyclists rode 6 miles to learn about the ecology of Coyote Creek at a community event called Coyote Creek Watershed Days!
Safe Streets Save Lives: A Call to Action for all Cities
Cities have a responsibility to make our roadways safer for everyone; we at SVBC recognize that we can’t do it alone. This is not just a call to action for Sunnyvale residents, but also for others. We urge everyone to push city decision-makers to design streets for people and not only for cars.
Why does it take a crash to make our streets safer?
A harrowing crosswalk collision in the city of San Mateo spurred a quick-build solution making the intersection safer for people crossing the street. But can we get our cities to prioritize making our streets safer instead of reacting?