Ride Out the Drought! Win prizes!

We’re in the middle of a severe drought. What can you do to help? How about ride a bike? 

Starting October 15th, Valley Water and SVBC are teaming up to create an education and awareness campaign called Ride Out the Drought, (#ROtD). Those who sign up will have access to lots of different safe bike routes through Ride with GPS that take you on a tour of different water features. 

Along the routes there will be places to stop where you can click through Ride with GPS to learn more about water-wise landscaping, the role of percolation ponds, the importance of reservoirs and more. 

The end goal is that you get a fun bike ride AND you pedal home inspired to take action to minimize your personal water use so we all can do our part to conserve this precious finite resource!

The campaign will begin on October 15th with an in-person kick-off that includes two guided bike rides (including one for families with kids), a tour of the Silicon Valley Advanced Water Purification Center, ice cream, and prizes! You can register here to join us on October 15th.   

After the kickoff, everyone is encouraged to register and ride along the self-guided routes at your convenience. The campaign will run through November 12th and we’ll have routes for every type of rider:

  • If you’re a weekend warrior, we’ll have routes with hills and lots of miles.

  • If you’re a parent looking for a free, fun activity for the kids, we’ll have rides for you, too.

  • If you’re a city dweller, we’ll have something with an urban flare.

Prizes will be given out on a weekly basis to anyone who has at least one ride under their belt. 

Find out more here about how you can ride out the drought, win prizes, and learn to curb your water usage. 

P.S…We also need volunteers. Sign up here if you’re interested.


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Why support a tax measure that has nothing for bikes?