San Carlos station area to get major connectivity project and a bike boulevard

san carlos logo The City of San Carlos announced last week that they are embarking on a project to increase bicycling and walking on the east side of the San Carlos Caltrain Station. A big portion of the funding came from MTC, a regional transportation funding agency.

San Carlos Caltrain Station Improvements(left: looking east from San Carlos Caltrain Station to E. San Carlos Ave. City of San Carlos)

The project will improve pedestrian and bicycle access to east side housing, jobs and transit. According to the City of San Carlos Public Works Department the project will:

  • Complete a continuous sidewalk on both streets
  • Add pedestrian bulbouts to shorten crossing distances and slow traffic
  • Complete wheelchair ramps at all corners
  • Widen the sidewalks to 7 feet where possible
  • Install decorative pavement at crosswalks
  • Plant new street trees
  • Install decorative, high-efficiency street lights
  • Install planting areas to treat stormwater
  • Place utilities underground on a portion of Old County Road
  • Complete a bicycle boulevard on East San Carlos Ave, which would include a new traffic signal at Industrial Road and new bicycle signage

This isn't your only opportunity to see a bike boulevard in the City of San Carlos. The newly updated bike plan contains a planned bike boulevard on Elm Street and is just two steps away from approval. First the planning commission has to approve the plan and then it goes to the city council for approval.

Show your support and speak up for San Carlos' first bike boulevard. You can also join the facebook page "Let's Make Elm Street a "Bike Boulevard".

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