Caltrain Staffs Up and Upcoming Bike Car Design Workshop
SVBC has been working with Caltrain to address your top three concerns: space for bikes, theft, and last mile connetions. Recently, Caltrain has started the bikes board first program and made headway with new bike parking. Read more details and attend a workshop April 17 on future car design.
Represent SVBC on Regional Bike Advisory Committees
There are vacancies on the bicycle advisory committees for Caltrain, BART, and Caltrans District 4. We rely on members like you to provide on the ground knowledge and ensure that voice is represented at a broader, regional scale. If you’d like to represent SVBC and your community on one of these committees, read on for more information.
Caltrain Determines Future Bike Car Design
Almost two years ago, our work and your voices convinced the Caltrain Joint Powers Board to increase future bike capacity with train electrification (due for 2021). Caltrain has now selected a final car design for the future train sets, and the agency's goals to increase human and bike capacity will be met with an increased number of trains per hour. Read on for our take about the decisions and the process.