Could the Diridon Station Area be the new Copenhagen?

Copenhagen S-tog, Norreport StationRecently Copenhagen hosted Velo-City 2010, an annual cycling conference which brings together cycling advocates from around the world. Planners, bike advocates, and transportation officials from North America had an opportunity to see what makes Copenhagen unique amongst cities in designing their city for people.

Red Danish train, Køge stationIn this Streetfilms video North Americans comment on the many things that the city has done to make it safe and convenient for cyclists. Bike counters, stair gutters, separated bike lanes, slower auto traffic, and cyclist and driver education are discussed in this 10 minute video.

How do you envision a bike friendly Diridon Station? How about a Complete Streets policy within the area? How about making easier and faster to get to any destination by bike than by car? How about a bicycle station within the terminal that incorporates short and long-term bicycle parking, basic bicycle repair or assembly, bike share, and even wayfinding services?

Well, to give you a taste of what it could be like here listen to some of the folks in this video and see what they think of the state of cycling in Copenhagen.

Photo: Marionzetta


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