Residents come out to help select a preferred plan for the Diridon Station Area

IMG_1144 About 90 residents came to San Jose City Hall on August 7 to help decide how a future Diridon Station Area will look like. One of the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition's main areas of advocacy is helping to shape the future of this rail hub and its surrounding neighborhoods.

The future will effect Caltrain, Amtrak, Ace, and BART, all of which allow "Bikes on Board". Bike sharing, a new an innovative way to get even more people on bikes is also being planned. Also the development of the area will include bike boulevards and physically separated bike lanes
The city and its consultants had proposed three different plans. Saturdays workshop was a way for residents to communicate which land uses they prefer.

Diridon Station Manifesto

The Silicon Valley Bicycle coalition has drafted a manifesto highlighting key planning considerations that we feel will make the area safe and efficient for all road users. We currently have support from key community leaders but we need your help as well. Below the manifesto is an area in which you can show your support by including your name, your neighborhood or title, along with any comments you may have. With the support of others just like you, our city leaders will feel confident they are making the right decision for the station area.

Diridon Station Bicycling Manifesto


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