Let’s review our recent accomplishments

SVBC’s latest Quarterly Report is now available for your viewing pleasure. Check out what we have achieved in the past few months. Get a full recap of our best-yet Bike to Work Day, relive San Jose’s first ever ViaVelo, and find out what all of our exceptional members and volunteers have helped us accomplish in Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties.

If you are new to SVBC, the Quarterly Report is a great way to familiarize yourself with the work of our staff, volunteers and Board of Directors. If you're a long-time member who keeps trying to recruit your friends as members, give them a copy of the Quarterly Report so they can see for themselves all that we do to promote bicycling.

The Quarterly Report is available at https://bikesiliconvalley.org/wp-content/uploads/qr/svbcqrjuly2010.pdf.


San Carlos station area to get major connectivity project and a bike boulevard


Bike-friendly signals in San José – where are they most needed?