Bike-friendly signals in San José – where are they most needed?

Bike Loop Detector
It’s happened to all of us, you arrive at a red light and there’s no bike pavement marking or a way for a bicyclist to trigger a green light. While a state law (AB 1581) requires cities to make new and modified signals bike-friendly, it doesn’t apply to older signals that aren’t being modified.

To address this need, the City of San José is seeking grant funds to make some existing signals bike-friendly. If the City receives the grant it will only be enough for about 20 signals. So which San José bikeway corridors are in greatest need? Which streets would you like to see receive bike-friendly signals with pavement markings? Let us know your top five corridors. Include street name and cross streets (e.g. Main Street from A Street to B Street).

So please feel free to comment below on which corridors you would like to see included. (San Jose Bike Map)


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