Keep Coyote Creek Beautiful, San Jose Conservation Corps, and SVBC Join Forces for Clean Creeks

The Wheels & Waterways series is funded by Valley Water’s Safe, Clean Water and Natural Flood Protection Program, and uses bike rides and litter removal events to showcase water infrastructure in Santa Clara County to people in the bike community. 

For the 10th of 12 rides in our quarterly Wheels and Waterways series, SVBC worked for the third time with the San Jose Conservation Corps (SJCC) Trail Safety Team on a litter-abatement bike ride. By changing locations from our previous work on the Guadalupe River Trail (read blog coverage from April 2023 and July 2023), and shifting to work on the Coyote Creek Trail, we were also able to collaborate with the phenomenal people of Keep Coyote Creek Beautiful. 

Leading up to the event, with so many partners involved, outreach was robust and registrations were high – and then, we were hit with another winter storm. The organizers debated about cancelling, but thankfully, we decided to see it through. Would anyone turn out? Around 8 AM, yes, right on schedule, bicyclists began riding up to the SJCC Corps Yard, one after the other. Despite rain, wind, mud, and cold, spirits of service prevailed, and we had an incredibly successful day out beautifying our trails. Please join our journey and view this incredible video coverage created by Alexandra Hisen of Keep Coyote Creek Beautiful.


SVBC and Friends of Stevens Creek Trail Present: The First-Ever Solstice Family Fun Ride on the Stevens Creek Trail


Advocate for the Vital Construction Taxes that Keep San Jose Safe