Page Mill/280: It's still not built

Many of you recall the tragic bike fatality of Jeff Donnelly two and a half years ago at the dangerous intersection of Page Mill and 280. At the time, SVBC worked to get the relevant public agencies to prioritize increased safety for this complicated intersection. We were successful. A project was designed through a thoughtful process that reflected the feedback of bicyclists. Supervisor Simitian was a great champion for the project and made sure that it was ultimately funded. It was a win for a near term redesign and we thought everything was good to go.Fast forward to today and the project is still not built. What’s going on?It appears that the project is at a stand still due to a disagreement between Caltrans and the County of Sant Clara over the issuance of an encroachment permit. The disagreement is rooted in who is ultimately liable if something happens in the future.Supervisor Simitian and Senator Hill have been strong allies, helping to figure out how to move this important project along. SVBC is in communication with them both to figure out the leverage points needed to take the project's control out of the brains of the lawyers and into the shovel holding hands of public works.Who's to blame for today's delay of the project? We don't know and are not interested in finger pointing because here's what it boils down to.Someone died here. We have a designed and funded project. Work it out and build the project before someone else gets hurt. Please sign the petition.If you want to be kept up to date on this project and help apply the pressure where needed, sign up by contacting Emma Shlaes,


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