Campbell BPAC update for June 2016

Thanks as always to Laura Smith for this update from the Campbell Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee. Want to share news from your BPAC, BAC, or Complete Streets Committee with SVBC’s readers? Send an email to with your latest news and we’ll publish it! 

Campbell Avenue Portals Project:  After almost a year's construction time and several setbacks, this project, which is "designed to connect pedestrians and cyclists safely between Campbell's downtown and The Pruneyard Shopping Center", is scheduled to be completed this summer.  It turned out amazing and will make both pedestrian and cycling traffic safer.  The north portal is now open.  There are several small things to finish:  the anti-graffiti surface coating, some electrical connections, landscaping including irrigation, monument finishes and installation of art work.  Caltrans still needs to plug up the old slot drain and displaced pipe that caused concerns during the rainy winter.  They will take care of these final details in the fall.
Harriet/McCoy/San Tomas Aquino Signalization Project:  the City Council will decide if a signal should be placed at this intersection at their meeting on 6-21.  Not everyone agrees that placing a signal at this intersection is the best solution for the problem of speeding traffic and pedestrian safety.  Community groups have presented alternative ideas. If the Council agrees with the City's traffic engineers, the city will proceed with signal installation plans.  Funding is available through grants and matching funds.   City Council meetings are open to the public.
TFCA Electronic Bicycle Locker Program:  The City was awarded $20,000 in Transportation Fund for Clean Air (TFCA) grant funds to install four electronic bike locker spaces each at the Hamilton and Downtown Campbell light rail stations, respectively.  An additional $21,200 is needed to complete the project.  Campbell traffic engineering staff met with VTA operations staff to determine where the lockers can be installed.  The next steps include applying for permits from Caltrans and VTA (from minutes 5-18-16)

Notes from SVBC's San Jose Local Team Meeting 6/22/16


Three Openings on Campbell Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee