Three Openings on Campbell Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee
The City of Campbell has a five-member Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee that guides the development of bicycle and pedestrian planning and policies for the City and makes recommendations to the City Council in the use of funds for bicycle- and pedestrian-related capital projects. Persons are eligible to serve on the committee who live within the City limits. As an advisory body, the Committee makes recommendations to the City Council and staff. In the past the Committee has provided valuable input into the planning of capital projects involving bicycle lanes and paths. The Committee meets on an as-needed basis, but generally meets bi-monthly. The Traffic Engineering Division of the Public Works Department provides the primary staff support.At the present time, there are three openings. The City is interested in having input on bicycle- and pedestrian-related issues from all segments of the community based on residential/business location, age, type of user, and interests. Applicant must live in Campbell and be at least eighteen years of age.Persons interested in serving on the Committee are invited to fill out an application form and return it to the City Traffic Engineer by 12 noon, June 24 (Friday), 2016. Staff and current Committee members will interview all those submitting applications and will make recommendations to the City Council. The City Council has final approval in making appointments. Please contact the Public Works Department at (408) 866-2150 or email at for more information or to request an application.