San Bruno BPAC seeks new members

The following request comes from the City of San Bruno Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC). SVBC is a big supporter of BPACs and we are happy to see San Bruno reaching out to keep this advisory body robust and active.

We are volunteers who advise the City Council on topics related to bicycle and pedestrian activities. That includes reviewing planning documents to help shape the City’s future. We also review grant applications and help prioritize locations for bicycle and pedestrian improvements. We conduct community outreach about bicycle safety and participate in community events. Our bicycle safety public service announcements are now airing on San Bruno Cable Channel 1.

Regular meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:15 pm at City Hall, 567 El Camino Real, San Bruno. The public is encouraged to attend. Please note that the meetings may be changed to bimonthly (every other month) instead of monthly.

We are looking for new members that share our interest in increasing bicycle and pedestrian activity in the City. You don’t need to be an avid bicyclist to apply! In fact, we are really interested in having walkers participate.

To apply, contact the City Clerk’s office at 650-616-7058 or


Bike Ed at Sunday Friends


Like a motorless MOMA