SVBC's Third Annual Dinner celebrates the bicycle


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Attendees enjoyed the VIP treatment.

SVBC hosted its Third Annual Dinner last Thurday, November 3, at the Decathlon Club in Santa Clara. The event was great – guests had a blast, got to hear some great speakers, scored some amazing deals in our silent and live auctions, and got to meet fellow members of the South Bay and Peninsula cycling community. Thanks to our sponsors, volunteers, and everyone who attended for making the evening so successful.


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Riders start on the beautiful Mary Ave. Bridge.

The night started off on the Mary Avenue Bridge with a VIP ride led by “Fast” Freddie Rodriguez. Following the ride was a VIP reception, where the riders and others enjoyed a wine tasting and hors d'oeuvres as a thank-you for their extraordinary support for SVBC.


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A good ride deserves good wine.

Dinner was served and, soon after, the evening's presentations began. Moderator Bruce Hildenbrand introduced Bikes Belong Executive Director Tim Blumenthal, who presented 20 Great Bicycling Lessons from 2010 and spoke to the audience about his newest endeavor, People for Bikes.


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Tim Blumenthal celebrates 2010's successes.

Next, Palo Alto's Ellen Fletcher, a bicycle advocacy stalwart and one of the founding members of SVBC, was awarded for her years of volunteerism. The first annual Ellen Fletcher Volunteer Award was named in her honor and will recognize, each year, the community member who best emulates Ellen's dedication to expanding the role of the bicycle in our society.


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An advocacy pioneer is honored.

SunPower Corp. CEO Tom Werner was also recognized with an award. As SunPower's chief bicycling executive, Tom inspired his employees to band together and outdo all other enterprises in the 2010 Team Bike Challenge, thereby winning the Company Bike Challenge. Congratulations to Tom and his cycling staff!


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SunPower gets recognized for some pedal power.

After the awards were presented, Bruce and Tim came back to the stage and were joined by Fast Freddie and racer and Team TIBCO Women's Professional Cycling founder Linda Jackson. The panel discussed racing, training, challenges, moments of pride, advocacy, and philanthropy. It was clear that bicycle advocacy is just as important to the racers as it is to commuters. Fast Freddie spoke about picking his kids up from school on his carbon frame bike, trailer in tow, and taking to the sidewalk when the road became too narrow. Linda recounted an incident all too familiar to some of us, when a vehicle pulled out in front of her and a friend without warning. Even Olympians need someone fighting for their rights as cyclists!


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Talkin' 'bout bikes.

The night finished with a live auction in which bidders got some great deals and SVBC received some very important funding. Thanks to everyone who donated auction items, and everyone who bid on them.


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Bruce Hildenbrand takes on the role of auctioneer.

Thanks again to our sponsors, our volunteers, and everyone who came to the dinner. It was a great evening, and we can't wait to see you next year!

View more event photos.


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