New Safe Routes to School mini-grants available

Are you a school teacher or administrator, parent, or member of an organization that would like to bring more biking and walking to your neighborhood school? Here is a terrific chance for some funding to improve young students' access to active transportation. The National Center for Safe Routes to School is now accepting applications for 25 mini-grants of $1,000 each. These mini-grants support the goal of Safe Routes to School (SRTS) programs, which is to enable and encourage children to safely walk and bicycle to school. SRTS programs are implemented nationwide by parents, schools, community leaders, and local, state, and tribal governments. Applications are due November 19, 2010.

Eligible applicants include:

  • * Faculty, staff, or parent volunteers at elementary or middle schools
  • * Adult-supervised elementary or middle school groups or clubs
  • * Local governments
  • * Tribal governments
  • * Community-based or private non-profit organizations that will work with a school to improve safety and/or increase the number of children who safely walk or bicycle to school

For more information, including what is and isn't eligible for funding, visit


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