Fatal accident truck driver's second in three years

Police are reporting that the same truck driver involved in the death of cyclist Lauren Perdriau Ward earlier this month was involved in another cyclist death in Santa Cruz three years ago.

Gabriel Manzur Vera was at the wheel of a big rig that struck a cyclist in August of 2007.

From the Mercury News:

On Aug. 7, 2007, Vera's big rig and cyclist John Myslin, a 25-year-old high school teacher, collided at the intersection of Mission and Bay streets in Santa Cruz. An investigation concluded that the popular Pacific Collegiate School teacher was at fault and police advised the Santa Cruz County District Attorney's Office not to file charges against Vera.

Though it is entirely possible that Vera was not at fault in both collisions, it is clear that he is not driving his truck with the safety of others in mind. Drivers must realize that, whoever is a fault in a car vs. bicycle crash, the cyclist will always lose. In order to share the road safely, all users must stay alert and be mindful of the positioning and potential hazards faced by other drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists. No matter who has the right of way, our ultimate goal should be to prevent injuries and death.

Police are still looking for eyewitnesses in the case of the November 4 crash. Anyone with information is urged to call 650-369-6261.


Truck driver's record reveals third fatality


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