Women talk about the benefits and joys of cycling (Streetfilms video)

Bike girlAlthough cycling is on the upswing in the South Bay, it has been a mostly a male dominated actvity. San Jose's Bike Party has changed this a bit with ever increasing numbers of women riders. SJBP has been an excellent way for new women riders to sample the joy of cycling and community with other women riders. July's Ladies Ride was a huge success with over 350 cyclists. For many this was their first time to experience cycling with such a supportive group.

From my own bike shop experience I am seeing just as many women shopping for bikes as men. This has also helped to diversify the styles of bikes out there. For such a long time everybody wanted a mountain bike but they were used for everything but mountain biking. Now you see more folding bikes as well as cruisers and more utilitarian styles. Women cyclists, I believe have helped to spark this trend.

Tell us what you think ladies. How long have you been riding? What got you into cycling (or back on the bike after many years)? How do you encourage other women? Just leave a comment.

In this video production by Streetfilms New York city women speak about their experiences cycling in America's most progressive bike city.

photo: Richard Masoner


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