California State Parks considers trails change-in-use

The California State Parks system is proposing to use the Road and Trail Change-In-Use Program to allow the addition and removal of official recreational uses on roads and trails in State Park units.

The department has filed a Notice of Preparation (NOP) to prepare a Draft Program Environmental Impact Report to evaluate the impacts of the program. The Parks system is seeking public input on the project.

Public meetings will be held Saturday, September 18 from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm at Lake Perris State Recreation Area, and Saturday, September 25 from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm at Candlestick Point State Recreation Area.

Comments can also be submitted to Include your full name, telephone number, and email address with your submittal.

The Notice of Preparation can be found at

For detailed information regarding the public meetings, visit


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