Silicon Valley leaders study bicycle transportation in The Netherlands

SVBC recently selected San José City Councilmember Sam Liccardo, San José Deputy Department of Transportation Director Manuel Pineda, and Silicon Valley Leadership Group Vice President Shiloh Ballard to head to The Netherlands to participate in the Netherlands Bicycle Transportation Study Project. In fact, SVBC nominated three of just 11 Bay Area leaders that attended the Study Project.

Throughout the trip, participants were guided through the Dutch transportation system and exposed to the unique approaches taken by the Dutch government to turn a prosperous, auto-centric nation to a paragon of bicycling infrastructure in just 25 years. Activities included a cycle tour of Utrecht, a presentation on integrating cycling and public transport, and a meeting with the alderman of transport policies of the City of Amsterdam.

Thanks to Bikes Belong Coalition for funding this trip.

Read more about the experience at Shiloh's blog at


Creative ways to move by bicycle


Women talk about the benefits and joys of cycling (Streetfilms video)