Creative ways to move by bicycle

After the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition's recent move by bicycle it was only fitting that Clarence Eckerson would highlight cargo bikes in a recently posted video at Streetfilms. Although when I first heard about cargo bikes, the Dutch Bakfeit was the only thing that came to mind.

But in Clarence Eckerson's latest video he highlights some great ideas for cargo bikes; bars on wheels, newspaper kiosk bikes, and of course food bikes. Now that we have moved an office by bicycle maybe there is more in store in the Silicon Valley. A food cart to follow (or lead) Bike Party? A library on wheels? Soup to go? In Japan you can call up the local udon shop and they will deliver it by scooter. So folks in the innovative land of the Silicon Valley; let's get creative.

Oh yes and Ida Auken is a member of parliment, an author who has written several books on theology, and a road cyclist as well. Not your normal politician.


Call for applications for Caltrans District 4 Bicycle Advisory Committee


Silicon Valley leaders study bicycle transportation in The Netherlands