San Jose trails update

Here's the latest and greatest on San Jose trails from Yves Zsutty of the City's Parks and Recreation Department:

Special Event Closures
Summer and fall events have been posted on the Trail Program’s Trail Closure page.

Penitencia Creek (King Road to Mabury Avenue)
The 0.3 mile trail project was completed late in 2009. The short trail extension provides a better surface for enjoying the creek and provides a short cut through the neighborhood. Pictures of the newly open trail have been added to the trail system’s gallery page (see last 10 photos).

Guadalupe River Trail Reach 6 (Woz Way to Virginia Street)
A construction contract will be awarded on February 9, and construction is expected to commence in April to extend the popular trail southward. The 0.4 mile extension meanders beneath the freeway interchange and will offer residents of the Gardner and Washington Areas much better access to the 250-acre Guadalupe River Park. The project’s Virginia Street trailhead is just steps from the Virginia Street Light Rail entry, making multi-mode commuting more feasible. The project is expected to take one year to complete.

Guadalupe River Trail: NRT Photo Contest
An image of a bicycle commuter along the Guadalupe River Trail was the winning photograph (Urban Pathways and Greenways category) in American Trails annual photography contest.

Coyote Creek Trail: CPRS Award of Achievement
The recently opened Coyote Creek Trail extension to Tully Road received an Award of Achievement from the California Parks and Recreation Society.

Web Site Performance
San Jose’s Trail Program web site has become painfully slow in recent months. An investigation by the City’s IT Department has identified a number of issues. The fix will take some time, and several key pages are being prioritized for immediate repair (homepage, trail closures). Please be aware that staff is working on a solution to restore quick access to trail information.


San Carlos Holly/101 Update


UCLA Professor Donald Shoup to speak in San Jose - this Wednesday, February 24th at San Jose City Hall