SVBC member highligted in Wednesday's San Francisco Examiner

SVBC's own Didrik Hoag was quoted in a Wednesday article in the San Francisco Examiner titled, "Bike lanes are seeing red".

Didrik recalled his own close calls at the corner of Edgewood Road and Scenic Drive. The bright red color being tested will hopefully keep cars out of the bike lane, with cars making a left hand turn onto Scenic Drive. With cars backed up behind a driver making a left turn, many cars decide to pass along the right side, entering the bike lane.

Although New York has recently incorporated a pale green for separated bike lanes and Portland uses blue to highlight their bike boxes, this is the first time a city has used bright red to designate a bike lane. The city will be testing the surface for at least six months to see if it will be durable enough to use at other San Mateo County locations.

In San Jose this week; at the city's Transportation and Environmental Committee meeting, Hans Larsen, the Acting Director of the Department of Transportation stated that they are considering using colored bike lanes in the downtown area. What do you think? Would they help? Let us know.


He "stopped in front to teach them a lesson."


Peninsula cyclists - What are your thoughts on the Holly St./101 design alternatives?