Bike to Work Day 2012

Join SVBC on May 10 for the 18th annual Bike to Work Day!

One day each year, on a warm May morning, Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition encourages commuters to leave their cars at home and join the tens of thousands of their fellow Bay Area residents in biking to work. The weather is perfect, the streets filled with cyclists, and energizer stations dot the landscape, staffed by volunteers eager to pass out treats and encouragement. Bike to Work Day is a vision of what the morning commute should look like: Parents and children, office workers, politicians, CEOs, all doing the unimaginable – enjoying their trips to work and school.

You can do it

It sounds simple because it is. Almost 40 percent of Bay Area commuters live within just five miles of their workplace, a bike-able distance for even inexperienced cyclists. If every person living this close to their workplace ditched their cars on Bike to Work Day alone, more than 60,000 vehicles would be off the road, reducing tailpipe emissions by more than 150,000 pounds. What’s more, the large turnout each year makes such a visible presence of bicyclists that motorists actually take notice, slow down, and make room. Everyone’s commute is improved when people take to the streets on bikes.

SVBC can help

In order to encourage as much participation as possible, the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition spends months planning the event and spreading the word through the community and to the media. SVBC also organizes and oversees a huge network of Energizer Stations throughout Santa Clara County– stops along popular routes where cyclists can get a snack, a tote bag, some other goodies, and a few words of encouragement. Energizer Stations in San Mateo County are coordinated by the Peninsula Traffic Congestion Relief Alliance in partnership with SVBC. These efforts are worth it – each year, many participants find bicycle commuting so fun and easy that they make a habit out of it and continue to bike to work throughout the year.

Do it for fun

There are so many great reasons to give bike commuting a first try, but the reason people stick with it is simple – fun. So save the date for a morning of fun: Thursday, May 10 is Bike to Work Day 2012. Leave the car at home, dust off the bike, and enjoy your commute for once.On your way home from work, be sure to stop by our Bike Away From Work Bash(location soon to be determined) for food, friends, and fascinating tales of the morning's adventures await!Don’t limit yourself to just bicycle commuting to work. Try riding your bike whenever possible during the month of May. Bicycling provides a great opportunity to enjoy the fresh air and get some exercise while you go to school, visit a local farmers market, meet a friend for lunch at a restaurant around the corner, or any another destinations you may have planned.

Become a Sponsor

Bike to Work Day brings together thousands of cyclists! If your company would like to be a part of this great community event, and receive some great exposure to Silicon Valley professionals, take a look at our Sponsorship and Benefits page.


Bicycle safety superhero


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