2024 Summit Agenda

Venue: South San Francisco Library | Parks and Recreation Center,901 Civic Campus Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080, 9:00am to 6:00pm Aug. 29.

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8:45 am: Bikepool departs from South San Francisco Caltrain station.

9:00 am - 9:30 am: Registration and breakfast (Valet Bike Parking will be available)

9:30 am - 10:00 am: Welcome address Banquet Hall

  • Clarrissa Cabansagan, Executive Director, Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition she/her/hers

  • James Coleman , South San Francisco Mayor he/him/his

  • Matt Jones, Incoming Policy Director, Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition he/him/his

10:00am - 11:00am: Keynote and conversation with Naomi Doerner Banquet Hall

The conference kicks off with a keynote by Naomi Doerner, in addition to her role as Director of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion at Nelson\Nygaard, where she leads the firm's internal equity efforts as well as its client-facing equity practice, she is also a co-founder of The Untokening, a multiracial collective that centers the lived experiences of marginalized communities to address mobility justice and equity. Naomi resides in Oakland, CA with her son, Zaran, where they hike, bike, and play throughout the Bay.

Naomi Doerner is a change agent in the realm of mobility and active transportation. Known for her commitment to mobility justice and racial equity. Naomi's practice and work is rooted in community building and organizing principles, thus, her expert ability to craft, cultivate, and facilitate diverse coalitions that champion affordable, safe, sustainable and just mobility options. From inclusive advocacy campaigns to complex equitable planning and policy-making processes, she provides strategic advisement to nonprofit, government, and philanthropic leaders on how to shape transportation and environments while holding community vision for transformation at the center.

Keynote: Naomi Doerner, Director of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion at Nelson\Nygaard she/her/hers

Moderator: Clarrissa Cabansagan, Executive Director, Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition @bikesv she/her/hers

11:00am - 11:20am: Break

11:20am - 12:40pm: Morning Breakout Sessions

Robot Rides & Road Rules: How AVs and AIs Will Change Your Commute Banquet Hall

Discover the latest advancements in Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) and their impact on urban mobility. Join us to explore how AV and AI technology is shaping the future of transportation, its implications for bike infrastructure, and what it means for cyclists and commuters in Silicon Valley.

Haul Yeah!: The Cargo Bike Revolution Social Hall

Dive into the transformative potential of cargo bikes and their growing impact on urban transport. We'll address the challenges and obstacles faced by cargo bike users, from infrastructure limitations to cost hurdles, and present innovative solutions that are overcoming these barriers. Explore the transformative potential of cargo bikes and how to overcome the obstacles they face. Discover innovative solutions and success stories that are revolutionizing urban transport.

From Gridlock to Greenways: Decoding Caltrans & Advocating for Better Bike Infrastructure Council Chambers

Uncover the strategies and insights needed to navigate the political landscape of transportation projects with Caltrans. Learn how to effectively advocate for bike-friendly infrastructure and policies within the complex web of state government and stakeholder relationships.

Reconnecting South San Francisco Bike Tour Meet at Bike Valet (10-mins before)

The San Mateo County Transit District recently received approximately $50 million through Caltrans’ Reconnecting Communities Highways to Boulevards Grant Program to reconnect communities historically harmed by misguided and inequitable transportation policies. These dollars will prioritizes projects that improve economic development, mobility, community connectivity. Our ride will feature these project areas outlined in the Connect4SSF, along with speakers from key stakeholders who will share their vision for a more connected South City prioritizing pedestrians and bicyclists.

12:40pm - 02:00pm: Lunch Banquet Hall and Banquet Hall Patio

02:00pm - 3:20pm: Afternoon breakout sessions

Community Engagement: Building Connections for Better Communities- Banquet Hall

An engaging session on fostering community involvement to enhance our transportation systems. Through real project examples, learn how to effectively engage with local communities, gather valuable feedback, and build strong relationships to drive positive changes in transit infrastructure.

Butts on Bikes: Programming for Change Social Hall

Discover the strategies and programs that inspire people to swap their car trips for bike rides, starting with just one trip per week. Learn how targeted initiatives, community engagement, and innovative solutions can break barriers and create lasting shifts towards sustainable transportation.

Bikes on Board: Mixing Bikes and Buses for a Smooth Ride Council Chambers

Explore strategies, success stories, and innovations that are making transit systems more harmonious and efficient. This session will place a special emphasis on the integration of buses and bicycles, examining how these two modes of transportation can work together seamlessly to create more sustainable and user-friendly urban environments.

Reconnecting South San Francisco Bike Tour Meet at Bike Valet (10-mins before)

The San Mateo County Transit District recently received approximately $50 million through Caltrans’ Reconnecting Communities Highways to Boulevards Grant Program to reconnect communities historically harmed by misguided and inequitable transportation policies. These dollars will prioritizes projects that improve economic development, mobility, community connectivity. Our ride will feature these project areas outlined in the Connect4SSF, along with speakers from key stakeholders who will share their vision for a more connected South City prioritizing pedestrians and bicyclists.

 3:20pm - 3:40pm: Break

3:40pm - 4:00pm: Summit Awards Banquet Hall

4:00pm - 5:00pm: Pecha-kucha and Wrap-up Banquet Hall

SVBC debuts it’s Youth Leaders in Active Transportation Award. With a session of youth leaders that will present and inspire in a rapid-fire, PechaKucha format. PechaKucha is a presentation style in which each speaker has a presentation of 20 images shown for 20 seconds each for a total of 6 minutes, 40 seconds. This is a high energy, fast-paced session. We would love to highlight interesting things going on in the biking world in this session.

5:00pm - 6:00pm: Happy Hour Banquet Hall and Patio

Register Here

Many thanks to our Bike Summit Sponsors!


A Journey of Advocacy and Impact: Reflections on My Time at SVBC


Bike Summit 2024: Meet Our Keynote Speaker