A Journey of Advocacy and Impact: Reflections on My Time at SVBC

When I first joined the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition (SVBC), I envisioned a day when El Camino Real (ECR) would be adorned with green bike lanes, symbolizing our commitment to safer and more accessible streets for everyone. Although that vision hasn't fully materialized yet, I'm incredibly proud to have initiated our ECR 2030 campaign.

Working alongside a dedicated local team, which has now grown to 150 passionate advocates from various cities along the corridor, we've made significant strides in advocating for improvements along the El Camino Real, particularly in the Mountain View - Los Altos - Palo Alto stretch. Each step we've taken together has brought us closer to transforming this vital thoroughfare into a safer, greener space for cyclists and pedestrians alike.

One of the most rewarding experiences during my tenure at SVBC was planning and organizing our Annual Bike Summit. Navigating the uncertainties of the COVID-19 pandemic, we managed to adapt and innovate, ultimately culminating in last year’s sold-out event with over 350 enthusiastic attendees. It was a testament to the resilience and dedication of our community, and I'm incredibly proud to have played a pivotal role in bringing together advocates, experts, and enthusiasts to share ideas and inspire action.

Growing SVBC's advocacy team from a modest group of three to a robust team of six was a significant milestone. This expansion enabled us to deepen our work in communities most burdened by poor air quality like East San Jose and East Palo Alto. And by embracing a local team model, SVBC now supports 25-30 campaigns annually compared to the 5-6 staff-led initiatives pre-pandemic. This growth not only amplifies our impact but also fosters a sense of ownership and engagement within the communities we serve.

As I look back on my journey with SVBC, I'm filled with gratitude and pride. The campaigns we launched, the events we organized, and the team we built were all driven by a shared passion for making our streets safer and our communities more connected. While I may not have seen a city with green paint on El Camino Real before moving on, I take comfort in knowing that the foundation laid will continue to inspire and drive positive change for generations to come.

Leaving SVBC feels bittersweet, but I am excited to see the continued progress and future successes of the organization as I pass the baton to our new Policy Director who comes on board at the end of the month. Our collective work has shown me the power of community, the importance of advocacy, and the incredible impact we can have when we unite for a common cause. Thank you to everyone who has been part of this incredible journey.

See you at the Bike Summit in South San Francisco! 

Onward and upward,

Sandhya Laddha


Meet SVBC’s Newest Team Members


2024 Summit Agenda