San Mateo Biketivist Team Beats Back Higher Speed Limit Proposal

San Mateo team member Mike Swire contributed to this report.

The SVBC/Move San Mateo biketivist team had a small but impressive win on Jan. 19. San Mateo city staff proposed raising speed limits on several streets to up to 50 mph.

Despite short notice, SVBC was able to send out an action alert to San Mateo County members and many of you wrote in to the council to object. THANK YOU! What an awesome community of advocates we are! The San Mateo local team rallied more than a dozen members to provide comments at the council meeting, and by posting on social media and NextDoor, the team attracted comments and letters from non-members too.

Thank you Mayor Amourence Lee, Vice Mayor Lisa Diaz Nash, and Councilmembers Adam Lorraine, Rich Hedges, and Rob Newsom, Jr. for unanimously rejecting the proposal to raise speed limits on our streets!!!!

This is the second speed limit win for the team in the interests of slower/safer streets. In late 2021, the team proposed a 15 mph speed limit around schools. Although the city approved the policy, it has been slow to implement the changes. But we understand the policy will be implemented this year.

Read more about the 85th percentile rule in our factsheet. Recently passed bills AB 43 in 2021 and AB 1932 in 2022, add exceptions to the rule.

See the Daily News coverage of this issue.


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