San Mateo City Local Team
Move San Mateo
The San Mateo city local team is composed of people who live, work, play or ride along in the city of San Mateo. The team meets regularly to work on campaigns to make walking and biking safer in the city. The team also hosts monthly social rides and free bike repair events in city parks.
The local team calls itself Move San Mateo and also advocates for better transit and pedestrian safety and comfort in the city.
Visit movesanmateo.org
Find the team on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube
Email the team lead: movesanmateo@gmail.com
Recent Successes!
City adopts budget for new safe routes to school coordinator
On June 6, 2022, the City Council adopted the FY22-23 budget, including money for a part-time Safe Routes to School coordinator
Bike Give-Away
In June 2022, the team coordinated a bike giveaway for 4th and 5th graders at a few San Mateo-Foster City School District Elementary Schools. In total, the team gave away 12 bikes between Fiesta Gardens, Parkside, and Sunnybrae. Thanks to the Silicon Valley Bicycle Exchange for the partnership!
City makes roads in North Central Neighborhood safer
After a long campaign fighting ingrained parking habits, the City Council voted in February 2022 to make safety improvements on N. Humboldt St and portions of Poplar Ave and Indian Ave. The project added bulb-outs, repainted crosswalks, added crosswalk signals and painted bike lanes. The project was seen by many as a test of the determination to build the 2020 Bike Master Plan and the City’s willingness to sacrifice parking for the vision of safer streets for all.
City adopts policy reducing speed limits around schools
On Dec 6, 2021, the City Council adopted a resolution to reduce the posted speed limit in school zones (where not prohibited by state laws – seriously?!).
Implement speed limit reduction around schools
The team continues to urge implementation of the infrastructure to support the speed limit reduction policy, adopted late 2021.
General Plan Update
The city is updating its General Plan throughout 2022-2023. The draft land use and circulation maps are in environmental review. The City is also updating the Goals, Policies and Actions included in the General Plan.
Delaware Bike Lanes (between Saratoga and 19th Ave)
The project is in pre-design. The team is working to be involved early in the process to ensure the best possible outcome for pedestrians and bikers. We’re hoping to extend the project to 25th Avenue removing one of the right turn lanes.
Complete Streets Plan
The City is hiring a consultant to begin work on a complete streets plan - starting Fall 2022. We plan to be a part of the Technical Advisory Committee when formed.
Allot specific funding for BMP projects
Within the FY22-23 budget, the Council agreed to allocate staff time to identify sources of funding for the highest priority projects in the Bike Master Plan. The team will be working with city staff to find those sources of funding and get these projects implemented.
Current Campaigns
Team Leads
Max is a San Francisco Bay Area native, and is enamored with quiet, car-free public spaces. You can find him walking or biking in the San Mateo community, where he spends his monthly parking and car insurance budget on patronizing local cafes and restaurants instead.
His favorite local spots include: 3 Bees Coffee, Pho Element, Backhaus, Rise Pizza, Yuzu Sushi.