Bike to Work Day 2019 - Become a Sponsor!

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On Thursday, May 9th, Bay Area Bike to Work Day celebrates 25 years!

Make your company a visible part of this milestone year
by sponsoring Bike to Work Day! 

Do you want your company recognized as an eco-friendly supporter? A good number of our corporate sponsorships come when bikers at a particular company weigh in with the powers that be to get their company on board with a sponsorship. This could be you!

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See our most recent sponsors below and if your company isn't included, reach out to us for a conversation about how we can get them involved!

Bike to Work Day outreach exposes hundreds of thousands of people to sponsors in print, online, at events, and on the street. This region-wide event is covered by major media outlets and thousands of social media posts throughout Bike Month.

Become a corporate sponsor and showcase your support for sustainability and healthy transportation!

Contact Ehsaneh Sadr, Development Director,

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New Date: Feb 5th - Make Your Voice Heard For Better Bicycling in Santa Clara


What's up for 2019