City of Santa Clara: El Camino Real Workshop + Bike Plan Update
The bicycle stars are aligning in Santa Clara, as the city weigh’s transportation options for El Camino Real and kicks off its 2018 bike plan update with two all-important upcoming meetings. On Tuesday, August 14, City of Santa Clara is holding a community workshop to seek public input on land use and transportation alternatives for El Camino Real (ECR). Based on this input, City staff will select a preferred alternative that will inform the decision-making process of the Planning Commission and ultimately City Council. As a member of the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) tasked with advising City staff on the planning process, SVBC is committed to ensuring high quality bike facilities and safe crossings are in the final plan.Participants at the workshop will have the option of selecting from three transportation alternatives. The current roadway configuration includes three travel lanes with a left-turn lane, on-street parking and bus boarding.
- The first right-of-way alternative (ROW 1) proposes only minor modifications, such as a wider median, narrower traffic lanes and additional landscaping.
- (ROW 2A) looks at the removal of on-street parking to accommodate a protected bike lane with a bus boarding island. A protected bike lane is the addition of a physical barrier between bicyclists and motorists, which is intended to provide a safe and comfortable riding experience for people of all ages and abilities.
- (ROW 3) would remove one travel lane and create a protected bike lane, while widening the center median/sidewalks and adding priority pedestrian crossing treatments at intersections.
SVBC supports transportation alternatives 2A and 3 because they would transform El Camino Real from a speedway for cars into a vibrant destination accessible to all people. On August 14, join us as we voice our support for a vibrant, walkable and bikeable corridor that prioritizes safety for all roadway users—and encompasses a range of land uses including more affordable housing. If you support this vision and want to share how better bike facilities on ECR could positively impact your life, please attend! ECR Workshop #2//Planning Alternatives:Tuesday, August 14, 6-8 pmSanta Clara Central Park Library, Redwood Room2635 Homestead Road, Santa Clara 2018 BIKE PLAN UPDATECity of Santa Clara is also updating its bike plan. In October (exact date TBD), the City’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) will review and comment on the draft bicycle facility recommendations. Come to give input and help shape the future of biking in the city! You can find more info here.*Correction: the previously stated Aug. 15 BPAC meeting has been rescheduled for August 27th, which will focus instead on the existing and future role of the Advisory committee with respect to its goals and policies. BPAC will return to the 2018 bike plan update in October, so check back again soon.