Kali Protectives Has Got Our Back, Er, Heads

Recently, the Pedal2Health program received an incredibly generous donation of 250 bike helmets from Kali Protectives in Morgan Hill! We are thankful for the continued support and partnership with Kali Protectives as they have previously donated to our Annual Dinner and member party! This donation supports our ongoing work with children and families in low-income communities along Vision Zero safety corridors. Thanks so very much, Kali Protectives! What an incredible way to start 2018!
In collaboration with El Camino Hospital Community Benefit Program, Pedal2Health program works with affordable housing liaisons and community members on bike safety education, safety equipment giveaways, leading organized bike rides, and training residents within to lead rides long after the program ends. The goals are to develop long-lasting, safe bike riding practices, reduce chances of fatalities along Vision Zero Safety Corridors, and increase public health with biking for everyday use.Last weekend, Pedal2Health pedaled out to South San Jose where we met up with residents from Blossom River Apartments. The day began with stops at bike safety stations that included: Helmet Fit, Bike Inspection, Rules of the Road, Bike Rodeo course, and ending with a neighborhood bike ride to put practice the bike safety skills learned!Cordell from the City of San Jose, who works with the Dept. of Transportation’s Vision Zero program, led the Helmet Fit station with sheer enthusiasm. Everyone was delighted by his good humor and were happy to rock neon orange multi-sport helmets. SVBC staff led the Bike Inspection station, teaching the “ABC Quick Check” method to the group, then residents demonstrated the inspection on their own bikes. The Rules of the Road station included practicing hand signals and rules of riding safely on the road, with an opportunity to practice on a mock bike skills course. After completing the course, resident leader, Maggie and volunteer Marja led the group on a short ride to Guadalupe River Trailhead. Practice makes perfect!It was fun-filled day and we couldn’t have done it without collaboration with the community and partners! Many thanks to our partnership with El Camino Hospital Community Benefit Program, Vision Zero San Jose, volunteers Marja, Daryl, Dane, David and resident leaders Maggie and Bernice for supporting the day’s activities. Let's keep this going! 

Bulldog Riders Lead Bike Night!


Call to Action: Caribbean in Sunnyvale