SVBC Education Team Heads to Mayfair

The first-ever “Mayferia,” a celebration of San Jose’s Mayfair community, was held on Sunday, March 19, at the School of Arts and Culture in the Mexican Heritage Plaza. SVBC was honored to be part of the event, which turned out to be a wonderful way to connect with local families.One of the main attractions of SVBC’s table was the “Trivia Wheel,” where people could test their knowledge of safe bicycling practices. This sparked many conversations with families who wanted to make conditions safer for loved ones who already use bikes for transportation. To that end, SVBC also distributed free helmets – along with instruction on proper helmet fitting and how to know when a new helmet is needed – to over 30 children. Some were spotted sporting the helmet as they walked around the event! Several bike lights and bells were also handed out.The kids (and some grownups!) enjoyed the “Blender Bike” – a pedal-powered blender. After about a minute of pedaling, each person enjoyed the fruit smoothie they made using their own energy. It’s a fun way to show people what they can do with their own power!SVBC looks forward to continuing to develop the friendships made during Mayferia, and making the streets safer for the Mayfair bicycling community.


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