Get a Job: Wheel Kids Instructor

Wheel Kids is looking for paid, part-time, summer assistant instructors to team-teach Palo Alto's Middle School Bike Skills (MSBS) classes for several Saturdays and one Sunday between June and August 2017. The MSBS class offers a great opportunity to work in a community where more than forty percent of middle and high students commute by bicycle! Each class runs for approximately five hours (8am-1pm) and is held at the Mitchell Park Community Center. Class size is typically 10-13 students, plus their parents/guardians. More information about the program, including specific dates are available here. To apply, please email and include a copy of your resume and a brief, 1-2 paragraph introduction. Experience and overall fit with the team will be prioritized. An LCI credential is NOT required. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until the position is filled.


Saturday Social Ride in San Mateo


SVBC Education Team Heads to Mayfair