How-To Report Road Issues in San Jose
Are you tired of dodging cars because there’s a car parked in the bike lane? Did you get yet another flat from that huge pothole? As a bicycle commuter in San Jose I deal with issues like these on a regular basis, which is why I joined SVBC. I wanted to learn how I could help make it safer for bicyclists. At a recent SVBC meeting in San Jose we came up with real solutions for cyclists dealing with road issues like parked cars, potholes, and debris.Several SVBC members began reporting road issues using the form online and noted road issues being fixed faster than we could’ve ever imagined. One member noted a pothole on Senter Road being filled within two days after reporting, which just happened to be the very pothole I’d been avoiding for the last six months on my commute to work. My life improved. I no longer had to dodge traffic at a busy intersection. Since then I’ve reported other bike lane hazards like piles of yard waste and parked cars. Within a few days I noticed a decrease of cars parking in the bike lane and the debris was removed.Do you want to help make a difference? Read ahead to learn how you can help keep the roads in San Jose safe and clear!How-To Report: Road Related IssuesPhoto above: Debris in bike lane on Senter; I reported this using the form online under “Complaint About Street Sweeping Services” and it was cleaned up within a week.You can also use this form to:●Report Faded Roadway Signs and Markings●Request a New Sign●Report Missing or Damaged Street Name Sign●Report Missing or Damaged Street Reflectors●File a Complaint About Street Sweeping Service●Report Bike IssuesPhoto below: Faded bike lanes on McLaughlin between Williams and Sunny Ct. This would be reported under “Faded Roadway Signs and Markings.”
Step 1: Go-to 2: Indicate the problem by clicking the appropriate button. Here I’ve chosen "Report a Bike Issue."Step 3: Fill out your information. Be sure to give the location of the problem and a description. You also have the opportunity to attach a photo. I just used the camera on my smartphone to take the photo. Click Submit when you’re done.How-To Report: Parked Car in Bike Lane
Call San Jose's non-emergency police line: (408) 277- 8900.How-To Report: Potholes
Photo above: Potholes on Senter Road that were reported and filled within 2 days!Between 7:00 am - 4:00 pm, call:(408) 794-1900.All other times call: (408) 277- 8956.Was this helpful? I hope this has inspired you to help keep the streets safe and clear for bicyclists in San Jose.
About the Guest Blogger: Karie Fraley escaped the snow ridden streets of Michigan in 2014 and has found her home in San Jose. She is a member of SVBC and is happy to be a bicycle commuter year round in the beautiful weather San Jose offers. "Riding a bike gives me the opportunity to connect with my community everyday. I’m no longer just zooming by in a car.”