SVBC announces shared Caltrain goals with SFBC and BikeSMC

SVBC has worked with the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition and BikeSMC to create a unified platform for Caltrain bike capacity from San Francisco to San José. You can read more about SVBC's Caltrain position or check out the shared platform document for more information.Caltrain has been incredibly forward-thinking by dedicating two trains for bike space. This has allowed many passengers to choose Caltrain as their method of transportation, as they are able to connect to destinations farther from a train station. Yet, with high usage at peak hours, 13% of passengers bringing their bikes on board, and frequent "bumps" (when a bicyclist is not allowed on a train because bike space is at capacity), there is a need for Caltrain to improve overall capacity as well as bike capacity.This shared policy platform is especially relevant because the Caltrain Joint Powers Board is making decisions regarding purchasing cars for extended train sets in 2015 and the configuration of new trains for electrification in 2021. SVBC wants to ensure continued access for people who bike on this important part of our transportation system. We also want to encourage Caltrain to continue studying improved secure bicycle parking at all stations, which will help to accommodate some passengers who bike. Uniting with SFBC and BikeSMC creates a strong, integrated position from the bicycling community throughout the jurisdictions in which Caltrain travels.This platform will be updated as new data becomes available. Stay tuned for changes and action alerts in the new year.


Jessica Herrera, 1979-2014


SMC Local Team/Peninsula Committee December minutes