Rise and Shine it's Walk n' Roll Time!

WalknRollFlyerThe City of Santa Clara Safe Routes to School Program will celebrate walking and bicycling to school throughout the month of October.  This year, six elementary schools and one middle school that are participating in the City’s Safe Routes to Schools program will join thousands of families across the county and the state in walking and bicycling to school.From kindergartners to eighth graders, thousandsof students are expected to “walk ‘n roll” to school. International Walk & Bike to School Day is celebrated on October 9th, but some schools will celebrate on other days in October. Check with your local school for more details. You can find out more about International Walk & Bike to School Day at www.walkbiketoschool.org.


My meeting with a local district attorney


*Board of Directors Minutes June 20, 2013*