*Board of Directors Minutes June 20, 2013*

June 20, 2013

A regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors of Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition (“SVBC”) was held at 6:30 PM on Thursday, June 20, 2013, at 1922 The Alameda, San Jose.

Board members present: Shiloh Ballard, Phil Brotherton, Gary Brustin, Ian Dewar, Dave Fork, Carolyn Helmke, Ted Huang, Ann Jasper, Scott Lane, James Lucas, Jack Miller, Alyssa Plicka, Cheryl Smith.
Absent: Jim Parker, Jeff Selzer.

Staff present: Corinne Winter, Anne Fisher, Colin Heyne, Intern Mariam Waliki.

No members or guests were present.

Chairwoman Shiloh Ballard called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. She noted that a quorum was present.

Welcome and Announcements

Open member comments

Scott Lane brought up that there have been 3 bicyclist deaths locally in the last 10 days.
Those present observed a moment of silence to honor the deceased.

Approval of prior meeting minutes

Motion: Moved by Ann Jasper, seconded by Ian Dewar, that the minutes of the February 21, 2013 meeting be approved. Passed unanimously.

Programs & Outreach

Colin reported that we have had good media coverage, partly due to Bike to Work Day, but also covering other issues. We have done more adult bike ed at companies. For Bike to Work Day we had 15 new energizer stations, and new sponsors. Community Focus helped us with a generous donation to help with the Bike Away From Work Bash, which was very successful. The July 16 breakfast at SAP to honor Team Bike Challenge winners is taking shape with Cheryl Smith’s help.

Safe Routes to School is going well: Teaching at 34 elementary and middle schools this semester, reaching 6000 students.
Bike Share is supposed to start in August, but a firm date is not set. SVBC expects to manage the outreach for Bike Share in Santa Clara County.

Ted Huang suggested that next year we should have a large sign or banner at energizer stations and bike parking corral that lists what SVBC does.


Jack Miller reported on the membership committee. They have been focused on the events and parties of the last six months; are in the process of refocusing; would like to do rides; and would like to encourage board members to lead rides. They will be taking up membership pricing structures.

There was discussion about membership expansion and retention, and the need for a marketing function. There was a consensus that this is an important issue which may lead to hiring a membership director to do this if the budget allows. Carolyn Helmke suggested board members could send emails out to members in their area talking up what has been going on and what SVBC is doing as a way to engage members.

Action item: Ian Dewar would be willing to attend a membership committee meeting to discuss how his company does outreach.

Policy & Advocacy

Colin and Corinne reported on recent developments: We are in the process of hiring the advocacy coordinator who will focus primarily in San Mateo County; after we raised objections, the MTC Commission decided not to make the requirement for bike/ped coordinators optional for cities; Corinne has been working with the RSST team which has defined seven focus areas.


In preparation for the December director election, a nominating committee was appointed consisting of Scott Lane, Ann Jasper, James Lucas, and Shiloh Ballard. Two or three vacancies are expected.

There is a google doc listing skills of current members. Please review and consider what additional skills would be helpful.

Action item: Please let the nominating committee know of possible board candidates.

James discussed the outcomes of the May Strategy Session :
a. Timeframe is 2025
b. Quality regional bike network appropriate for 8-80
c. Modeshare goal of 10%
d. Kids are important
e. Cycling needs to be important politically
f. Leverage technology and entrepreneurship to make a Silicon Valley style impact.

There was consensus that this the discussion was a good process; that having shorter strategy meetings works better than a day-long session; that the board do two such sessions per year. Corinne suggested that the board review our strategic goals every six months.

There was discussion whether as a membership organization we should represent only what members ask for, or do we have a broader responsibility to the general public, with the goal of getting the potential but “concerned” riders on bikes?

Action item: Membership survey.

Intern Mariam Wakili introduced herself, discussed her projects. She will be doing a membership survey, working with bike shops, and putting together a board manual based on the Carver governance model.


Ian reported three things the Development Committee is working on: an initiative to identify and nurture relationships with major donors; more board involvement in fundraising; and helping to align with the finance committee and create a plan to support the growth in the 2013/14 budget.

Action item: Additional board members needed to work with donors, and also look for event opportunities to engage people. Volunteering: Ted Huang, Ann Jasper, Cheryl Smith, Scott Lane, and Shiloh Ballard.

Action item: Ian will send information to board members about how they can help.

The next event is the Big Wheel Breakfast honoring the Team Bike Challenge winners. Thanks to Cheryl Smith for helping out with this.


Alyssa Plicka reviewed the financial reports and budget for 2012-13. Revenue is increasing. However, we need to set money aside for the Salesforce upgrade and for attorney and accountant costs when the Bike Exchange becomes its own nonprofit. This is a conservative budget; most of the income is pretty certain.

Motion: Moved by Scott Lane, seconded by Gary Brustin that the budget be approved. Passed unanimously.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30.

Respectfully submitted,
Anne Fisher
Executive Assistant


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