April 2, 2013 Letter in support of San José Coleman Road grant application

You can download a PDF of this letter HERE. (590 KB)

April 2, 2013

Brian Mendenhall, Project Manager
Santa Clara Valley Water District
5750 Almaden Expressway
San Jose, CA 95118

Subject: Support for the City of San Jose Grant Application
Coleman Road Trail Under-Crossing

Dear Mr. Mendenhall,

Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition strongly supports the subject grant application for funds to construct the Coleman Road Under-Crossing project that will close a gap between Lake Almaden Regional Park and the Guadalupe River, Guadalupe Creek and Los Alamitos/Calero Creek Trail systems in south San Jose.

The proposed under-crossing project provides a great off-street connection between popular trail systems within the City’s growing Trail Network and regional public transportation, an endeavour that SVBC is strongly in favor of. The project supports goals for an improved multi-modal system with the Almaden Light Rail Station nearby to serve the Bay Area in a way that encourages economic development and supports improved commute options.

The project will have several positive impacts on the neighborhood:

  • Closes a gap that will permit off-street travel to several trail systems and nearby light rail
  • Creates a recreational amenity
  • Supports off-street to nearby retail, parks and other resources
  • Provides a means to commute to and from work

Thank you for considering a grant award for this important project. If you have any questions about this letter of support or our organization, please feel free to contact me at (408) 287-7259.


Corinne Winter
President and Executive Director


Santa Clara Task Force meeting


March 18, 2013 letter in support of Atherton Transportation Planning Grant application