Montague Bike to Family Fun Night a Success

On September 28, 2012, Montague Elementary held Bike to Family Fun Night from 5-6pm.  The Safe Routes to School team was present, working to make this event fun and educational for both students and parents. We hosted a “Snail Race,” free mechanic work (provided by Calmar Bicycles), a picture board, and lent helmets to those in need.  We had over 70 students and parents with bicycles come to the event.  This exceeded our expectations and turned out to be a huge success.  For the hour we were present, kids continuously participated in the “Snail Race”, the mechanic helped fix about 40-50 bicycles, and parents captured many photos of their kids’ smiling faces in the picture board. There were many kids that were using their bikes for the first time in months; they were clearly excited to be riding them too! The blacktop was bustling with kids riding their bikes.This event also served as an opportunity to gather feedback from parents about “Safe Routes to Schools Maps” that were developed for parents and students to utilize for walking and biking to school.  Once the maps are complete, they will be made available to the entire school, which can also be used to identify walking school bus routes.Crystal Martin, our SRTS champion and teacher at Montague exclaimed, “Family Fun Night went amazingly! All of the parents and students have been talking about how much fun it was and how great it was that they were having bike repairs.”  Bike to Family Fun Night was a great community-building event.If you are interested in hosting a similar event at your school, please email


International Walk and Bike to School Day


International Walk and Bike to School Day is October 3rd