International Walk and Bike to School Day is October 3rd

Mark your calendars for October 3rd; International Walk and Bike to School Day is coming! Santa Clara schools along with others in over 40 countries will be celebrating this event by encouraging their students to walk, bike, skateboard, scooter, or use any other mode of active transportation to get to school.  This event helps remind us all of the simple joys of walking and bicycling to school, the health benefits of daily physical activity, and the need for traffic safety around schools. Studies show that kids who walk to school have a lower chance of being obese, are less frequently sick, and do better in school.  Why wouldn’t you want to encourage walking? Join this international movement and help make your community a more walkable and bikeable place.If you are interested in helping promote this event at your school, contact your school principal or email


Montague Bike to Family Fun Night a Success


Learning safe walking and bicycling skills