San Mateo County Committee April 5 agenda

Monthly Meeting of SVBC San Mateo County Committee:
Agenda for Thursday, Apr 5, 2012

Sabor Colibri, 2053 B, Broadway, Redwood City, at location of former Ladda’s Thai

6:00-6:30PM Social Hour, Dinner
6:30-8:00PM General Meeting*
8:00-8:30PM Wrap-up and Networking

*Official meeting ends at 8:00 for those catching NB and SB trains ~8:15.
No time-line for agenda items, but please observe General Meeting time.


  1. Introductions
  2. Approval of March minutes
  3. Changes and additions to agenda
  4. SVBC Staff report:
    1. Bike to Work Day
    2. Bike Advocacy Summit
    3. Membership Committee
  5. Advocacy:
    1. Stanford Hospital in Redwood City
    2. Proposed aquaduct bike-ped trail in Redwood City
    3. Membership tabling events: Centuries, etc.
    4. San Carlos US101/Holly interchange options & E. San Carlos Av.
    5. Alpine Rd: Stanford trail: Santa Clara County status
    6. Bair Island Bay Trail segment
  6. City reports:
    1. Menlo Park: Alameda/Santa Cruz lanes, Safe Routes to School
  7. Events and Announcements
    1. Makers Faire

Non-members are welcome to attend and participate.


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