Design the new SVBC brochure!

Old SVBC brochure

Are you an InDesign impresario? Are you mad for Mad Men? Do you really love SVBC and long for a tangible way to express your admiration? You might be the perfect candidate to design our new SVBC brochure!

The old brochure (see above) has served us well, but has become, to put it delicately, totally out of date. It has our old logo, contains no current accomplishments, has pictures of people who we're pretty sure have long since left the area, and has had to have the address stickered over... twice. It's time for a new look!

We have spent hours carefully crafting and revising the copy for our new pamphlet extraordinaire, and we want it to look as good as it sounds. Here's the catch: we need this thing ready to go soon! We want our new tri-fold to be in all 6,000 Bike to Work Day musette bags, which means we need to get this thing to the printer faster than you can say "velocipede."

This is your mission. If you choose to accept it, contact Monica Schwenke at


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