"Tales from the Commute" survey

The Santa Clara County Spare the Air Resource Team, a project of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, is conducting a survey of Bay Area commuters in order to learn how commuters use (or don't use) commute time -- perhaps commuters work during the commute, read, or do something else entirely. Gathering this information will assist us in raising awareness about the quality of life benefits associated with alternative commuting (e.g., public transit, carpool, vanpool, cycling).

Take the survey here.

The survey takes approximately 5 minutes to complete. The survey asks questions about how you use commute time and also asks you to share your stories about how or why you 'converted' from single-occupancy vehicle commuting to alternative modes, and how that has changed your life. Such stories will help the Santa Clara County Spare the Air Resource Team inspire others to make similar changes to their commute habits.

All survey respondents will be entered into random drawings for gift cards to Starbucks, Amazon.com and Best Buy, valued at $25 and $50. To be eligible to win, we'll need your contact information! If we use your commute story, you will receive an iPad3, Kindle Fire or Kindle as a thank you.

If you would be willing to complete this survey and pass it on to friends and coworkers, it would be greatly appreciated.


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